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Guaranteed quality for your sustainable materials

In addition to continuous availability, material quality is the most important factor for the successful and sustainable use of plastic recyclates. Our processes ensure that your requirements are met. 

Homepage Material quality

Our focus is on the qualification of material flows with defined quality

We understand that quality is at the heart of your production processes. That is why every material on our database undergoes an initial qualification process including laboratory analyses and is only listed after successful testing.

Our suppliers are in continuous contact with us and are regularly audited to ensure compliance with the highest quality standards. Transparency and reliability are the basis of our partnerships.

Mit unserem eigenen Prüflabor bei PlastCert und detaillierten Qualitätsbewertungen gehen wir noch einen Schritt weiter. Wir analysieren Materialien auf optische Qualität, Geruch, Zusammensetzung und technische Standardwerte, um Rezyklatqualität als Merkmal vergleichbar zu machen.

plastship benchmark

plastship's Recycled Material Benchmark sets new standards in the assessment of recyclate quality. In addition to standard tests, we carry out additional assessments in cooperation with our partners to ensure the suitability of materials for specific applications. If you are interested in further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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