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Homepage Partners Hpf HPF The Mineral Engineers – High Performance Fillers for plastic recyclates

Hpf · ID: 110

HPF The Mineral Engineers – High Performance Fillers for plastic recyclates

HPF The Mineral Engineers provides innovative solutions to enhance the quality of recycled plastics. This article explains how HPF’s high-performance fillers effectively reduce odor emissions in recycled plastics.

  • Recyclate use
  • Recyclate quality
  • Impact improvement
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Today, the marketability of certain materials is increasingly determined not only by price and performance but also by sustainability and resource efficiency criteria. Global initiatives such as the circular economy concept and current national policies now demand higher recycling rates through the use of high-quality recyclates in new products. However, contaminated plastics from mixed post-consumer packaging waste present a significant environmental barrier to the circular economy, as existing cleaning and recycling processes often fail to achieve the required quality levels for industrial use. In addition to mechanical and processing properties, complaints about the odor profile of recyclates are becoming more frequent. 

Our partner HPF has developed a novel high-performance filler to address these challenges. In a recent study, the filler was compounded at 5% by weight into a post-consumer polypropylene recyclate using a twin-screw extruder. The resulting product underwent olfactometric testing in accordance with the VDA270 standard. The results demonstrate that the addition of HPF's product significantly reduces the odor intensity of the recyclate to levels well below the threshold value of 3, achieving a non-disturbing character.

Results of the olfactometric test – unfilled vs. 5 wt. % High-Performance Filler

The values presented in this technical information have been determined and presented to the best of our knowledge. However, it is important to note that no liability can be assumed for the results, suitability, and completeness of the recommendations, nor can responsibility be taken for the infringement of third-party property rights. We cannot guarantee a successful product launch for test products. HPF is pleased to provide further advice.

Here you can download more information about HPF’s fillers. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact HPF’s representative, Mr. Thorsten Hilgers, or us, and we will be happy to assist you.

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