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Homepage Partners Plastcert RecyClass Recyclability Certification

Plastcert · ID: S104

RecyClass Recyclability Certification

PlastCert assesses plastic packaging in terms of its recyclability to determine how well it can be used in sorting and recycling systems.

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Valuate your compatibility of plastic packaging with the entire waste management chain, including collection, sorting, recycling, and ability of the recycled material to be reused in its original application.valuate your compatibility of plastic packaging with the entire waste management chain, including collection, sorting, recycling, and ability of the recycled material to be reused in its original application.

RecyClass developed several types of recyclability assessments for plastic packaging, answering the needs of the entire plastic value chain:

Design for Recycling Certification classifies qualitatively from A to F the technical recyclability of final plastic packaging.

Recyclability Rate Certification rates the effective recyclability of final plastic packaging in a specific geographical area. 

Letter of compatibility evaluates qualitatively the recyclability of semi-finished packaging.

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