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Homepage Partners PlastCert The PlastCert Laboratory

Plastcert · ID: S107

The PlastCert Laboratory

PlastCert offers specialized services, particularly for recycled plastics, including mechanical testing and customized examinations to assess the properties of recyclates.

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The PlastCert Laboratory for your material testing needs

Perform your material testing in our laboratory for recyclates. In cooperation with our partners, we off er tests customized to the requirements of recycled plastics: 
► Conduct mechanical tests 
► Tests specifically tailored to the properties of recyclates

  • Melt Flow Index testing of thermoplastic polymers:


    ► Evaluates the flowability under defined conditions

    ► Measures the melt index (MI) or melt flow index (MFI)

    ► Standard values like MFR and MVR assess processability

    ► Ensures that produced plastic meets requirements

    ► Important for quality assurance and early detection of production deviations

  • Moisture determination


    ► This testing method is intended for use as a control, acceptance, and evaluation test.

    ► Moisture can affect the processability of certain materials. These materials may exhibit defects if processed with a moisture content outside the recommended range.

    ► The physical properties of some plastics are significantly affected by their moisture content.

  • Density determination


    Polymer density is typically measured within polymeric materials to understand variations in structure and overall composition. It can also be used to assess material uniformity for application in various end products.

  • Charpy impact test


    Pendulum impact testers quantify the energy absorbed by a standardized sample until fracture by measuring the rise in height of the pendulum hammer after impact. The result is impact toughness or Charpy impact toughness, expressed in area-specific units such as kJ/m².

  • Other laboratory devices


    In order to optimise the tests for plastic recyclates, PlastCert uses additional instruments and tests in addition to the classic technical parameters and the aforementioned devices. These include a precision scale, a scroll saw, a notching machine, a shredder and a press.

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